I’ve been following a CrossFit workout regimine and a Paleo diet for about a year now. I’ve made forward progress since I started and one of my main goals has been to shed body fat. One would think that after a year or so, things would fall into place but while I’ve shed the inches, I know I haven’t quite banished as much body fat as I’d like to. With my wedding coming up in a mere 6 months (EEEEK), I need to get serious if I want a body fat reduced bod in my wedding dress and my honeymoon bikini!
Since I started this CF/Paleo lifestyle, I have tracked my weight and measurements and every few months I get my body fat tested at the same place, usually by the same person. Over the last few months, my weight has been kinda crazy up and down, but my measurements continue to get smaller. But, the stubborn body fat hasn’t nudged much. Since February of 2011, I’ve only dropped it by 1.5%. Serious feat, yes, but to me it just seems like it should be lower.
In regards to my weight fluctuating, the one thing I have noticed is that whenever I have cut fruit out of my diet, I have lost weight. Losing weight = reduced body fat, right? Insert operation nix fruits and nuts and ease up on the happy hours.
I started this on March 26th and aside from my decision to celebrate Nate’s birthday with a week full of treats, it’s going well! It’s really not that big of a deal until I make it a big deal. Some of you might be thinking that I’m being rediculous for cutting out such a healthy group of foods. You might also be thinking that no one ever got FAT from eating too much fruit. Well, I never got skinny from eating a bunch of fruit either.
The more sugar I get, the more I crave it and it doesn’t really matter what form it’s in. Starchy ‘good’ carbs, starchy bad ‘carbs’, fruit, ice cream, Paleo baked yummies, Standard American Diet baked yummies… sugar is sugar is sugar!
Within the first two weeks, I dropped down to a happier weight. I noticed less bloat in the tummy, felt less bogged down, felt a little more alert, a little less sensitive, and a little less likely to change my mood with the flip of a switch.
During my sugar happy week last week, I felt uneasy, stressed, mood was much more unstable and even into this week, I’m still feeling the same way. Granted there may be some other factors playing into this (gloomy weather, being a woman, bills due, etc.) I think too much sugar in my life definitely aggitates my moods and hinders me from being cool, calm and collected. And from being a skinny beotch.
Atleast for now, I think this is something that I need to stick with. If I genuinely FEEL better on a consistent basis without sugars of any sort, then it outweighs the delicious taste of a banana with almond butter, right…?