Monday, January 12, 2009

Declaration to count

Yesterday, in the presence of Nate, I declared that I was going to start counting everything. No more bites and freebies unless a serving of it is actually ZERO points.

Today though, I already face a dilemma. The soup today is one of my favorites and I desperately want to have a taste. I’ve calculated that my sample would be a true pointless treat, but that leads me to want a cracker with it. Calculated the cracker…that’s also zero points. But…put together, that’s approximately 33 cals. Am I being obsessive about this? 33 calories is really nothing…I can easily burn that, but it’s the whole idea of the freebies and such that I need to work on. In a day, if I also myself three freebies like this, that would be 99 calories. Over a week, that’s 693 calories, a month 2,772. I would assume that I probably exceed 99 ‘free’ cals in a day.
As I am writing this, I remember the jelly I had this morning on my toast - half of a single serve container which is an estimated 25 calories. Already, with the soup and the cracker, I would be at 1 point of freebies.

I couldn’t even taste that stupid jelly on my toast.

Excessive and unnecessary freebies – no more! Fiber One I will allow, as well as spray butter and spray and/or light/free dressings. But, no more sprinkles of cheese, crunchies, jelly, butter/butter spread, handfuls of grapes, a couple of nuts or a palm full of cereal. Sans freebies, I am going to start eating better and more balanced. My diet lacks adequate proteins, fats and dairy. This means that I’m going to need to shell out some cash to cover the protein aspect. In doing this though, it will hopefully alleviate me not feeling satisfied and somewhat full after a meal. Thus removing my need for the extras here and there.

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About Me

I'm a former Weight Watcher, cardioholic, food phobic turned CrossFitter, Paleo eating, weight lifting chica!