Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life calling

Bob Harper was here, at work, for a friendly visit to help kick off the Pound for Pound challenge (which you should check out and sign up for at After having him push me to do squats, lunges, jumping jacks, tire drills, high knees and various repetitions of different weight routines, via DVD of course, I was pumped to see him live, in person.

He talked for maybe 20 minutes or so – he talked about how great this initiative is and how excited he is for it. He talked a bit about this season of the Biggest Loser and the contestants and talked about how he got involved in the biggest loser. He’s been there from the start of the show and mentioned that he was really hesitant being a part of it when they called him in for a casting. After he learned more about the show, he realized that being there was his ‘calling’ – what he was meant to do in life. The more he talked, the more evident his passion for what does became.
This got me thinking about my life, my passion, my ‘calling’. What is it that I really want to do in life? To be honest with you, I want to live a life of leisure – eat a cake donut and drink a cup of delicious coffee for breakfast, golf, walk my dog, work out, and volunteer for something. Reality – that will never happen before the age of 65, unless I win the lottery, three times.

But really, what gets me pumped up? What drives me? I wish I had a solid answer. I would really, REALLY like to get involved in nutrition or fitness. I love the idea of being able to help people in that aspect of their lives, mostly because I’ve experienced it.

At the end of my sophomore year of college, I interviewed for a position with Weight Watchers, but it wasn’t until the end of the summer that they offered me the job. At that point, I had taken on nannying and couldn’t accept the job. The woman I interviewed with told me that they would ‘love to have me and if my plans ever change, I should call her’. Can I make a living out of that though? Take it on as a side job?

I’m totally into the idea of being a personal trainer or nutritionist, but that requires me to go back to school and right now, that’s the last thing I want to do and the last thing I can afford. No, I’m not looking for an overnight career change, but I really thing I need to start challenging myself and thinking about what I want in my life. I don’t want to work because I have to, I want to work because I like what I’m doing and it makes a positive impact in my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a fantastic job right now that would be hard to leave. I’m practically set here in terms of benefits and job security and I really do like and enjoy my job…but it’s not what I want to do for the next 40 years.

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About Me

I'm a former Weight Watcher, cardioholic, food phobic turned CrossFitter, Paleo eating, weight lifting chica!