Thursday, October 7, 2010

Botched by office politics

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Thursdays. I love them because they signify the end of the week is practically here, but I dislike them because it’s also a notification that there is still another day in the work week.

Last Thursday started the same as today, minus the fact that I woke up about 10 minutes late from my usual and typical waking up late time. This morning I was looking forward to Tony’s lengthy, grueling yoga session afterwork. It’s only on the docket 3 more times and for the past few weeks, I have not been following along with the video, but have been going through the routine on my own. Good or bad, verdict is still out. On one hand I feel like I’m a cop out for not doing the video, but on the other, I’m doing it in a way that’s more enjoyable. Today though, I’m going to follow the video and will try not to skip anything. Although the last time I attempted crane I did a summersault into my dresser and now that I’ve made my loft into a gym/office, I don’t know that I want to tango with the staircase railings.

Notice how I said, “I was looking forward…”. Since I started this post, my plans have been botched and instead of a beautiful yoga session, I will be rushing home to tend to the pups and then heading back to work for a banquet. As of yesterday, I decided that I did not want to leave the dogs kenneled all day and then some more in order to go to this shin dig, but throughout today, my guilt has leaned towards not going to the banquet. Guilt is such a bitch.

So yoga will have to be moved to another day. I’m not sure if I can squeeze it in after I get home tonight as I have way too much housework that is the source of stress that I MUST get rid of.

What do you love or dislike about Thursdays?

1 comment:

  1. I hate Thursdays because even though we have to show up to work on Friday, Thursdays are when you have to get most of your wrapping-up done. I love Thursdays because once I'm done with work, I feel like I can be more flexible with my social plans because I only have to survive Friday.


About Me

I'm a former Weight Watcher, cardioholic, food phobic turned CrossFitter, Paleo eating, weight lifting chica!