Friday, November 26, 2010

Holiday time must be different

I can't believe that Thanksgiving came and went. I mean, seriously, how did the last three days just fly by.

Monday was also my Friday, my only day in the office this week. I took Tuesday off to prep for the family arriving on Wednesday and took off Wednesday to spend time with the family. They left late this morning and now that my house is strangely quiet and empty, I can't help but feel a little lost and sad. And, I am scratching my head trying to figure out how time can go by so damn fast.

The first Nate and Stacy hosted Thanksgiving was a complete success! The only losses of the day were 1. the egg that I cracked right into the garbage disposal instead of in the bowl and 2. the herb mix that Nate shot all over himself and the floor via the 'flavor injector' instead of in the turkey. We didn't have as many guests as had expected, which means that we have enough leftovers gain all our holiday weight this week.

I have always helped my mom prepare the Thanksgiving day meal, but I have never done this all on my own. It takes a lot of planning and coordinating to get everything ready on time, but regardless, not everything is piping hot. And then, after cooking a preparing all day and making sure that everything is right and ready and near perfect, you sit down to eat and 20 minutes later, the climax of the day is over. Poof. Hours of cooking for 20 minutes of eating. How does that work?! How long do your family meals last? AND.. is dessert served immediately after dinner?

With the family here and being off work, I haven't been to the gym since last Saturday. Not going to lie, I am feeling a little anxious about it, but I have continued to remind myself that it is okay. And it's also reminded me to keep my food choices in check.

Though it didn't get my heart racing, I was on my feet plenty Monday, Tuesday and yesterday. Wednesday I cranked out a rousing 30 minutes to Level 1 30 Day Shred (um.. hard!). Today I am really feeling like some Jillian Yoga, so I think I will honor that. I honestly am not feeling like anything crazy intense, but I am feeling like *something*.

If you went Black Friday shopping, did you snag anything good? Have any interesting stories to share?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on successfully hosting your first Thanksgiving feast, lady!

    I know that basically with any large family meal I've ever been to, everything has been lukewarm. Go figure.


About Me

I'm a former Weight Watcher, cardioholic, food phobic turned CrossFitter, Paleo eating, weight lifting chica!