Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I know you all have been patiently waiting for this… THE RECAP!

As you can see by the subject line, I do not need a walker to scoot around. This is good news!

Recap - Last Monday evening, I was asked if I could potentially take the place of my boyfriend’s brother-in-law in the Monster Dash this past weekend. By Wednesday morning, it was confirmed that I would be running in his place.

Flash forward to Friday…
I was in a tizzy about the run. I was put on antibiotics earlier in the week and they were totally killing my appetite. It had not improved whatsoever. To top it off, my intolerance for milk was reconfirmed after a bowl of cereal Thursday night and a bowl of cereal Friday morning (in the name of carbo loading of course). I was in terrible, uncomfortable stomach pain off and on all day Friday. I was hoping that it would work itself out by date night time, but that was not the case. It was only made worse by my nervousness. But, I bucked up and went about date night (dinner out downtown and the T-Wolves game) and had a lovely time.

I woke up Saturday morning feeling okay, but not 100% and not bad enough to bail out. I chalked it all up to nerves and got myself ready and by 7AM I was on my way. Between 8 and 830, I felt like I was going to poop my pants (literally and figuratively) but was able to get into the porta potties in the nik of time and made it in line for the race with a few moments to spare.
SIDE NOTE – Team Ortho – if you are hosting such large events, why don’t you have more than 7 porta potties available before the start? Please advise. Thanks.

And the race you ask? Well…


Which means it went FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC! I was absolutely ELATED with my results. Considering that I haven’t specifically trained for this and was able to finish only 43 seconds ‘slower’ than my first, I’m happy as a clam!

The race went incredibly smoothly. I ran 10:1’s, which is running for 10 minutes, walking for 1. Me and my girl did this for the whole race and in doing so, I never had any pain or endurance issues. I felt strong as hell! I highly recommend this practice/training to anyone! Some of you may be thinking that it will affect your pace and time, but it does not. We stayed near the 2:20 pace group and within the last mile in a half we were able to break past them with no troubles what so ever. This was the FIRST time that I have ever done 10:1’s and it seriously made a word of difference! I plan on doing this for all future training and races.

Post race I had a bit of an ephifany about myself and my body. If I can run a half marathon without training for it, I have no grounds to EVER bash myself or my body. I am sticking to this and reminding myself of it everyday. I am healthy and I am strong. I may not have the perfect body per today's standards, but it's MY body and it's capable of so many things.

1 comment:

  1. I only run intervals to train w/ the exception of my long runs. 4-1. It's amazing. And it does wonderful things for your speed.

    CONGRATS, Lady!


About Me

I'm a former Weight Watcher, cardioholic, food phobic turned CrossFitter, Paleo eating, weight lifting chica!